support Counterparty
Counterparty is a fungible token protocol utilizing Bitcoin Blockchain for over ten years. It is not another blockchain, nor a layer two but technically a meta protocol, which predates the launch of ethereum. These tokens have much historical relevance as projects like "Rare Pepe" inspired dozens of similar collections. Not to mention it has generated millions of dollars from sales and trade of only this collection on the protocol. If you DYOR you will find that EverdreamSoft was the first company to tokenize a game asset as a Blockchain cryptoart token using Counterparty.
Specifically, has encouraged its users to utilize the service provided by since it's second series. For the last two years this collection, and other members of the Counterparty community, have come to rely on this as a public utility. is currently not displaying images from previous uploads to and needs to be updated to accommodate recent changes. Here is a JSON of the whole collection. You can see that just about every entry is an association of a Counterparty token with an IPFS provided by
Please consider integrating this protocol. It has recently been renovated and cleared of its heavy tech debt from years of neglect.
As the founder of Age of Chains, one of the oldest NFT collections starting from 2016 based on Counterparty, I feel very strongly about this request and would love to see it implemented.
I am currently in the process of launching new NFTs but would love to host them on IPFS. I personally ran into issues trying to set up IPFS on my own device, so being able to utilize a service like NFT.Storage for Counterparty-based NFTs would be a game changer for us.
Ethereum was launched after Counterparty. So, no, it does not use an Ethereum Virtual Machine contract based methodology. Instead users register human readable token names within the system directly. These are usually expressed as all capital letters, even when used in dialog. In this case, a user would submit the token name YOURASSET for example along with a png or gif.
However, it appears to me, that after reading the press release you linked, there is no longer a hosting endowment available. That is unfortunate as I must have been misinformed when I thought that I understood had an internal mechanism within the filecoin network which paid an increased reward for hosting. Now it appears that users will have to pay for-profit endeavors in order to be marked "safe for purchase" or some other such centralized nonsense?
Could you help me with some directions on the option which is based on individual empowerment? I would like to supply the methodology for downloading, pinning and preserving to thewojakway, kaleidoscopexcp and some of the extended Counterparty community cryptoart published artworks. Artists were encouraged to upload directly to under their own account. There are some of us who would like to form a community effort to pin each other's artwork, instead of relying on commercial endeavors. As the CTO of the project it is ultimately my responsibility to pin the entire collection, and supply such instructions for others to preserve their own work, and the work of their neighbors.
From this github request:
This is now live. Help us get the word out!
Hi Everyone - We'd like to move forward with adding Counterparty.
First, I need your input. Usually we ask the person uploading for their:
Contract address
TokenID / CID match
The contract address and TokenIDs will be used in the upcoming NFT Storage Token Checker product you can learn about here:
Can you confirm if Contract address and tokenID are the best fields to use for Counterparty?